The BOAG Foundation (1944-1984) in Canada produced its first Socialist Calendar in 1981 and annually for the next three years. Journeyman imported copies of its 1982 and 1983 editions. Each calendar reproduced stunning paintings chosen by Colleen Bostwick to honour the men and women whose energy and sacrifice illuminated labour and socialist struggles around the world.
‘Zapatistas’ by Jose Clemente Orozco (Mexico), 1931. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Given anonymously.
Untitled (A red-headed girl working in a pottery) by Sylvia Pankhurst (England), 1911. Collection of Dr. Richard Pankhurst.
‘Two Riveters’ by Alex Colville (Canada), 1954. University of Guelph Collection, Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Ontario. Gift of the Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association, 1972.
‘The Heroines of 1940’ Anonymous (Greece). Musée Royale de l’Armée et d’Histoire Militaire, Bruxelles, Belgique.
‘The Fourth Estate’ by Pelizza da Volpedo (Italy). The Gallery of Modern Art, Milan.
‘The Cotton Pickers’ by Winslow Homer (USA), 1876. Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
‘Tenants’ by Marion Scott (Canada), 1940. Collection of Canada pickers, Inc. Photo: VIDA/Saltmarche, Toronto.
‘Marche Haiti’ by Lois Mailou Jones (Haiti), 1963. Collection of the Artist.
‘Finishing the Floorboards’ by Gustave Caillebotte (France), 1875. Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo Photographie Giraudon.
‘Cosmic Vigil’ by Papa Ibra Taal (Senegal), 1978. Collection of the Government of Senegal, Dakar.