The BOAG Foundation (1944-1984) in Canada produced its first Socialist Calendar in 1981 and annually for the next three years. Journeyman imported copies of its 1982 and 1983 editions. Each calendar reproduced stunning paintings chosen by Colleen Bostwick to honour the men and women whose energy and sacrifice illuminated labour and socialist struggles around the world.
‘Dinner Hour, Wigan’ by Eyre Crowe (England), 1874. Manchester Cultural Services, City Art Gallery.
‘Fishermen Hauling Nets’ by Frank Hinder (Australia), 1939. Collection of Mrs. R. Stiel.
‘Raven Stealing the Sun’ by Ken Mowatt (Canada), 1978. Collection of the Artist.
‘Rest on the Way to the Fair’ by Gunnar Berndtson (Finland), 1886. The Art Museum of the Atheneum, Helsinki.
‘Smoking the Fish’ by Franz Skarbina (Poland), 1888. National Gallery of Wroclaw.
‘The Strike’ by Robert Koehler (USA), 1886. Collection of Lee Baxandall, Osh Kosh, Wisconsin.
‘El Arbol de Farabundo’ by Carlos Cañas (El Salvador), 1981. Collection of Cristina Cañas.
‘Threshers’ by Diógenes Paredes (Ecuador), 1942. Inter-American Fund 766.42, Museum of Modern Art.
‘Timbermen’ by Paul Rand (Canada), 1948. Collection of Mrs. Paul Rand, courtesy of Frans Wynans Gallery, Vancouver, BC.
‘Uneeda Biscuit Strike’ by Alice Neel (USA), 1936. Collection of the Artist.
‘Woman’ by G. M. Pemba (Ciskei), 1940. University of Fort Hare, Ciskei, South Africa.
‘Ruhende Arbeiter’ by Albert Heinzinger (Germany), 1960. Collection of the Artist.