…international collaboration



Directors of creative industry organisations accessing EU structural funds in Vilnius were invited to London to meet project managers to share practical experience about running similar projects supported by ERDF Objective 2.
Funded by the British Council


Creative industry professionals from the Forum on Creative Industries (FOCI) were invited to Dublin to meet their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to network and discuss sector regeneration strategies.
Partners: FOCI, City Arts Centre, Temple Bar Properties, Digital Hub Development Agency
Funded by InterTradeIreland


Mobile technology content and software producers were invited to London to meet multinational companies to explore potential sales and business collaboration.
Partners: New Media Knowledge
Funded by Innopoli Oy/ Spinno BDC

Spain and the Netherlands

Astronomy students were invited to the UK to participate in an intensive programme of seminars focusing on European collaboration and new research developments.
Partners: University of Hertfordshire, Universidad de La Laguna, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Funded by the Socrates Programme


The creation of a bibliographical database of radical and chartist publications originally collected by David Riazanov in the 1920s and known as the ‘English Cabinet’. They were held at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, Moscow, until it formally ceased to exist in November 1991. The database contains details of 910 books and pamphlets and 45 newspapers and periodical titles from the eighteenth and nineteenth century, and can be searched online here.

Forum on Creative Industries, Dublin

Socrates astronomy students, Hatfield

David Riazanov

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