‘The Arrogance of Power’ was Ken Sprague’s second folio in his series on the war in Vietnam. Ken made use of an entirely new technique in linocuts, which he intended to develop in the future. This folio was printed in an edition of 50 copies at The Molehill Press, 19 Canonbie Road, London, SE23, in 1966. Only one print has survived in this set.
The folder (76 x 57 cm) is numbered 7/50, and the longer text by John Gorman (1966) printed on the inside flap ends with,
‘These pictures should bring shame to us all. Not anger, for anger may lead in turn to that which we would seek to be rid of. They are not only a record of what is past, but an urgent plea for us all to speak out for the victims of tomorrow.’
The Arrogance of Power. Artist’s proof 2, 76 x 57 cm, 1966.
It used to make clothes. Artist’s proof, 99 x 64 cm, November 1966.
Fireball. Artist’s proof 2, 99 x 64 cm, 1966.
And there’s people in there. Artist’s proof, 64 x 99 cm, 1967.
With every meal. 63 x 75 cm, undated.
The American Dream – The Machine. No. 5/10, 62 x 72 cm, 1967.
Untitled. 37 x 55 cm, 1968.
Tell me lies about Vietnam. 68 x 49 cm, 1970.
Vietnam undergound hospital.’No. 4/6, 76 x 52 cm, 1970.